On 19 March 2024, the COST Association visited Iscte for a day dedicated to the opportunities of this line of funding.
COST Actions are initiatives to set up international research networks funded under the Horizon Europe programme. By their nature, these networks allow for the creation of critical mass for the development of research on innovative topics and are particularly useful tools for the career development of young researchers.

During the morning of the visit, workshops were organised for the science managers of these projects in Portugal. The main aim was to share information and knowledge between science managers, involving people with different levels of experience in this type of funding. The rules for managing COST projects were revisited and the most common challenges in managing these projects in the Portuguese context were identified. Six institutions from different parts of the country were represented, including Minho, Coimbra and Lisbon.
In coordination with Thematic Line 2 of the SocioDigital Lab – Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Citizenship, the COST Association also organised an Info Session on COST Actions in the afternoon for the entire Iscte community.

The first part of the COST Info Session, organised by Camencita Malimban, administrative officer of the COST Association, provided an insight into the fundamental elements of a COST Action (application process, eligibility, collaboration tools provided by an Action of this nature, funding).
The second part of the session featured a talk by Francisco Simões (CIS-Iscte) about his experience as Chair of the Rural NEET Youth Network, a COST action that will end in April 2024. This testimony included a sharing of the process of building the proposal, its implementation and the types of impacts achieved.

The COST Association’s visit to Iscte underscored the significance of collaborative networks like COST Actions in supporting young researchers and advancing innovation. Embracing such initiatives promises a brighter future for scientific progress and societal development.
© Photographs by Hugo Cruz | Iscte
PROGRAM | 19 March 2024
16h45 – What is COST?
Carmencita Malimban (COST Association)
16h55 – Testimonial from COST Action CA18213 Rural NEET Youth Network MC Chair (Iscte)
Prof. Francisco Simões (CIS-Iscte)
17h15 – Discussions and Q&A session