Iscte – Knowledge and Innovation Inaugurated

The new Iscte building houses 8 research units, 13 laboratories, including the SDLab, 9 observatories and several rooms for sharing and collaborative work. It is a space of infinite possibilities, which nurtures the idea that “together we change the future”.

Iscte – Knowledge and Innovation is a bright building, clad in brick and wood, located at 40 Avenida das Forças Armadas in Lisbon, which is the result of the sustainable refurbishment of a former IMT headquarters.

According to Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, Iscte Rector, over the course of 50 years, “new paths have been opened up at Iscte and we have innovated in a focused way in those areas of work”. But what truly “sets Iscte apart is the way it fully fulfils its mission as a university: teaching, knowledge and innovation, which it does with multidisciplinarity, collaborative work, openness to the social and territorial context in which it operates, generating opportunities for teachers, researchers and students, efficiently achieving sustainability and inclusion. Its difference also lies in the way it continues to anticipate the future.”

The Prime Minister António Costa, the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, the Minister for Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, the Minister for Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva and two Secretaries of State took part at the official inauguration of the new Iscte_Conhecimento e Inovação.