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We promote a unique interdisciplinary approach to the study of public policy.

Six research units with scientific expertise in diverse and complementary fields in the social sciences and digital technologies have joined together to address contemporary societal problems and global challenges.

Research Units


Business Research Unit


Centre for International Studies


Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology


Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention


Centre for the Study of Socioeconomic Change and the Territory


Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Centre


(Associate Partner)
Centre for Research in Anthropology


(Associate Partner)

Telecommunications Institute

Scientific Advisory Board

Marco Wyss

Scientific Area: International Studies
Lancaster University, UK

João Teixeira Lopes

Scientific Area: Education/Culture
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Mercedes Alcaniz

Scientific Area: Inequalities/Gender Studies
Universidad Jaume I – Castello, Spain

Hein de Vries

Scientific Area: Health
Maastricht University, Netherlands

Yankel Fijalkow

Scientific Area: Housing Studies
Centre de Recherche sur l’Habitat, France

Ricardo da Silva Torres

Scientific Area: Digital Technologies
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Alan Chalmers

Scientific Area: Digital Technologies
University of Warwick, UK


Joint Chairpersons


Maria Luísa Lima

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee, chaired by Prof. Rui Pena Pires, is composed by the Joint Chairpersons and the coordinators of each Thematic Line.

Strategic Board

Ana Mónica Fonseca

Carina Cunha

Carla Moleiro

Catarina Ferreira da Silva

Jorge Costa

Maria de Fátima Salgueiro

Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues

Patrícia Ávila

Paulo Tormenta Pinto

Executive Committee

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Teresa Patrício

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Cláudia Pereira

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Maria Luísa Lima

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Cristina Camilo

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Miguel Sales Dias

Policy Advisory Board

Maria João Rodrigues

Scientific Area: Social Politics and EU Agenda
President of FEPS, Foundation for European Progessive Studies, Brussels

Joana Almodovar

Scientific Area: Economic Policy
Director of Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos do Ministério da Economia e Transição Digital

José Luís Albuquerque

Scientific Area: Social Policies
Director of Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento do Ministério do Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social

Helena Roseta

Scientific Area: Urban Policy / Housing Policy
Architect and Urban Policy maker

Rogério Carapuça

Scientific Area: Digital Technologies
President of APDC – Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications

Rosa Valente de Matos

Scientific Area: Health Policy
Head of the Board of Administration of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central


Strategic Vision

It is our understanding that contemporary social problems and global challenges can only be addressed if there is a real integration of different fields to study, analyse and provide evidence-based and data-based solutions to policy-makers. At the SDLab, this on-going resilient interdisciplinary work between the social sciences and digital technologies finds expression in national and international projects, involving multidisciplinary teams and interdisciplinary perspectives in an integrative manner to address the challenges of the 21st century.

The SDLab builds on past collaborations and brings together six research units at Iscte, working together and conveying their synergies and disciplinary expertise to create and sustain a new generation of interdisciplinary scientific contributions between the social sciences and digital. 

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