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Office Meeting


The Thematic Line 2 focuses on studying inequalities in order to contribute to public policies that promote well-being, social and digital inclusion, equity and equal opportunities in all areas (e.g. education, labour market, vocational training, social protection, digital access, quality of life, and citizenship). Iscte has, for many years, developed consistent and continued research in the area of social inequalities and inclusion policy. 

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​Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Citizenship



Bráulio Alturas

Francisco Simões

Renato do Carmo

Analysis of school trajectories, family socialization, and transition to active life

Identification of inequalities produced by social and cultural forms of reproduction in the educational system and their repercussion on the transition to active and professional life. This will require the study of the relationship between school trajectories, family socialization, and the beginning of professional paths, from early childhood to the transition to working life. TL2 will contribute to policies aimed at reducing early school leaving and promoting forms of training and education that favour equal opportunities. 

Analysis of the dynamics of the labour market, professional trajectories, and models of social protection

Study of professional trajectories in the labour market to identify the modalities of non-standard employment and social vulnerability. An inventory and evaluation of social protection policies and systems, at the national, European, and international level, as well as coverage and eligibility. We will contribute to inclusive employment policies that deepen and broaden the scope of social and labour protection of the employed and unemployed population; and design policies that promote social protection in a rationale of universality of coverage, sustainability, and adequacy of the system.

Analysis of quality of life levels and promotion of citizenship

Study of the inequalities produced by different practices of citizenship (at various levels) and standards of quality of life, namely those based on ethnic and migratory diversity, age, gender, sexuality, language, religious identity, status, functional/(dis)ability diversity, and other dimensions associated with greater social vulnerability. We will contribute to the promotion of a broad digital citizenship and to policy measures that enable the implementation of informational and knowledge society, responding to the current requirements of online access, communication and collaboration, using digital services and inclusive collaborative tools, reducing generational, cultural and physical barriers.




Main objectives

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