The aim of the Thematic Line 1 is to co-create knowledge and support the design, development, monitoring and evaluation of public policies regarding the social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges related to the implementation and development of regenerative territories for carbon neutrality.
This aim is driven by the UN 2030 Agenda Strategic Goals towards affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production and climate action, and the national research and innovation agenda for Climate Change, Urban Science and Cities for the Future, Culture and Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality, Circular Economy and Sustainable Energy Systems.

Regenerative Territories
for Carbon Neutrality
Main objectives
Sustainable planning of cities and territories
Specifically in fields such as housing, mobility, public space, social inclusion and the organization of social and economic activities (tourism, creative dynamics, food-energy-water supply, platform economy), supporting the consolidation of communities where relationships with others and with the place are meaningful and integrative. Policies and planning instruments at local, municipal, regional and national levels in these areas will be focused towards developing more integrated and inclusive territories and communities.
Involvement and response of communities to environmental public policies
Namely in the fields of energy policy and nature and biodiversity conservation.
TL1 aims to contribute specifically to the monitoring of an inclusive and successful implementation of the National Plan for Energy and Climate 2030 and the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050 and associated public policies, in relation to their psycho-social, environmental, economic and social impacts.
Co-creation of knowledge, collective action and new forms of citizenship
Through participative processes and a bottom-up, multi-scale perspective, contributing to the transition to territorial sustainability.
From local to transnational action, enhancing the involvement of local communities.
One possible development of this objective is the creation, in association with TL5, of the Portuguese Observatory for Inclusive Sustainability Transitions (POIS).