The SocialDigital Lab invites you to attend the Brown Bag Seminars on Social Data, which will take place in May and June 2023.
In six sessions, six observatories associated with Iscte will present the social data they collect, which are extremely useful in the analysis of public policies.
The sessions take place in an informal setting between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm.
Each session lasts an hour: 30 minutes of presentation and 30 minutes of discussion.
Registrations Closed
20 June | Youth Employment Observatory The sixth and last of the Brown Bag Seminars on Social Data 2023, organized by SocioDigital Lab, gave stage to the Youth Employment Observatory. Paulo Marques (DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte) shared results that have special relevance in the analysis of public policies.

06 June | Inequality Observatory
The Observatory of Inequalities presents its data, of high interest for public policies, in the fifth of the Brown Bag Seminars on Social Data, organized by SocioDigital Lab.
Speaker: Renato Miguel do Carmo (CIES-Iscte)

30 May | The Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities
The Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities will share social data with interest for public policies in the fourth of the Brown Bag Seminars on Social Data, organized by SocioDigital Lab.
Speaker: José Soares Neves (CIES-Iscte)

23 May | PASSDA – Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses
At the third meeting of the Brown Bag Seminars on Social Data, Alice Ramos from ICS – Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, presented some data from PASSDA (Production and Archive of Social Science Data), namely regarding the European Social Survey component, a network of studies that aims to monitor the values, attitudes, beliefs, opinions and behaviors of Europeans. According to the researcher, the ESS data and PASSDA are crucial tools to support teaching and research activities, but also to plan public policies.

16 May | Observatory of Democracy and Political Representation
During this session the Observatory of Democracy team highlighted the importance of collecting and processing data on political elites and social movements that allow policy-makers to understand some of the main concerns present in society.

09 May | Emigration Observatory
Besides a brief contextualization of its origins, the daily work of the OEm and its internal functioning, the methodologies of data collection regarding Portuguese emigration – “mirror statistics” of immigration in the countries of destination – and the limitations underlying this type of methodology were discussed.