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Lab Talk "Innovating Sexuality Education"
08/04/2025 | Iscte | "Inovar a Educação para a Sexualidade através de Abordagens Multidisciplinares – O projeto SexEd4Me"

Seminar "Just Energy Transition in Latin America"
18/03/2025 | Iscte | "La Transición Energética Justa en América Latina"

Lab Talk "Justified (il)legalities"
18/03/2025 | Iscte | "(I)legalidades justificadas: O caso das transferências monetárias entre a China e Portugal"

Lab Talk - Data-Driven Perspectives
The first Lab Talk will focus on machine learning for social issues
and visualization for trust and decision-making

Programa da 3ª Conferência do SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy
O Iscte – Conhecimento e Inovação acolhe, nos dias 19 e 20 de novembro , a 3ª Conferência do SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy , sob o...

Is ‘digital transition’ a syntax error?
Join us on September 19 for a seminar where Bonno Pel, from the University of Utrecht, critically examines the paradoxical nature of the dig

Lithuanian research funding framework & international cooperation
Info Session with speakers from University of Vilnius, Lithuania

Examining the new coal governance amid the energy transition
Hiroyuki Tsuji from the Utrecht University will give a talk about the the rise of Indian interests in Mozambican coal

Migration and Asylum Lab: Perspectives on the EU-Africa partnership
Join us on April 16th for a seminar featuring Teresa Pina (CML), former Director of Amnesty International Portugal

Brown Bag Seminars on Technical Data
The SocioDigital Lab invites you to attend the Brown Bag Seminars on Technical Data, which will take place at Iscte.

Brown Bag Seminars on Social Data
In six sessions, six observatories associated with Iscte will present the social data they collect, which are extremely useful in the analys

Science and Technology Week 2022
Between November 21 and 25, 2022, reflection and discussion about the present and future of Science and Technology at Iscte were promoted.

News and Events
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