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Lab Talk "Innovating Sexuality Education"

Pedro Simão Mendes

The Thematic Line 3 organizes the third Lab Talk of SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy initiatives for 2024/25, "Inovar a Educação para a Sexualidade através de Abordagens Multidisciplinares – O projeto SexEd4Me".

On April 8, 2025, researchers David L. Rodrigues (CIS-Iscte) and Violeta Alarcão (CIES-Iscte) will share their research around sexual health and well-being. The aim is to integrate multidisciplinary approaches involving psychology, sociology, digital health and public policy, formalized in the SexEd4Me project. This project seeks to contribute to equal access for young adults to comprehensive sexuality education messages.

Join us at Clube Iscte-CI (Room B332, Building 4) from 13:00 to 14:00 and be part of this discussion.


David L. Rodrigues is a researcher at CIS-Iscte. His research focuses on understanding the motivational determinants of health and well-being and the dichotomies between social normativity and the experiences of sexual and relational minorities.

Violeta Alarcão is a researcher at CIES-Iscte. Her research interests are multiple and interdisciplinary, increasingly including topics such as sexuality, gender and ethnicity, from a transdisciplinary perspective.

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